
Join the movement to create a new generation of Sixth Level leaders.


Sixth Level leadership qualities have been ignored for far too long.

The Sixth Level advances leadership for all leaders. The Sixth Level model is derived from the narratives of 16 women leaders as seen through the lens of Self-in-Relation theory, which defines the psychology of women as oriented to connection and care. This model supersedes Maslow’s fifth level, self-actualization, which is based on men’s psychology and is consequently incomplete. 

The Sixth Level model features four core differentiators, qualities that distinguish women’s leadership. These differentiators—mutuality, ingenuity, justness, and intrinsic motivation—redesign leadership. The differentiators promote a collective interest to create healthy social dynamics that, in turn, optimize business results. Women are naturally oriented to exhibit these differentiators, but they can be learned, just as dominance has been learned by women.

The four core differentiators expand the notion of leadership by highlighting qualities in women, long misinterpreted as weak, as essential strong leadership qualities. Finally, the command-and-control model can be left behind. Dominance will no longer be confused with leadership. For the first time, essential aspects of women’s social psychology are defined, reshaping a shared reality that improves the quality of human interaction and improves profitability and sustainability in business.

Watch The Sixth Level Trailer

What You Will Discover:

  • A historical perspective, practical leadership examples, and reflective questions that improve your leadership approach and prompt you to grow personally and professionally as a leader.
  • A new model of leadership firmly based in social psychology and history that provides an understanding of the social forces from which leaders emerge.
  • Strategies and techniques that can be learned by all leaders to support sustainable and profitable organizations.
  • A how-to guide for ambitious leaders hungry to shape a better future.

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    Praise for the Book

    “It’s not easy to be a female leader in a male-driven world, which is why this book is so incredibly necessary. The Sixth Level is next level because it teaches leaders everywhere that it is possible to build a successful business that is not only profitable, but also fosters connection and innovation, without the 24-7 hustle mentality.”

    MEL ROBBINS, bestselling author and host of the award-winning Mel Robbins Podcast

    “What an epiphany! The male-dominated leadership model so popular in our culture is no longer sufficient, and we learn there is another, and better way. The Sixth Level reveals four differentiators, central to women’s development, that enable higher level leadership. Their evidence-based sociology of leadership is underscored and amplified by case studies that demonstrate the multitude of competencies, strategies, insights, and principles that these women leaders deploy. This new and necessary narrative by women leaders teaches all of us, men and women, how to embrace and advance to The Sixth Level and drive organizational and community-wide excellence that brings necessary and sustainable change.”

    PATRICIA SPRATLEN ETEM, MPH, 1980 & 1984 Olympic Rower, founding member of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) Rowing

    “Leaders who use The Sixth Level model embrace human connection as fundamental to complex problem solving in organizations. Embedded in women’s social psychology, ingenuity is one of the core differentiators the authors put forth to reach creative solutions that contribute to the trifecta: productive teams, sustainable communities, and profitability.”

    JOSH LINKNER, five-time tech entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, and venture capitalist

    A valuable read that will be a welcome addition to any academic or practitioner’s library on leadership...The Sixth Level provides a strong argument for why leaders should veer from individualized, isolating, and power-focused strategies to more collaborative, cooperative ones...the book is both well-grounded in existing organizational psychology and innovative.”

    BLUEINK – Starred Review

    “For many decades, leadership development experts have primarily relied on so-called gender-agnostic leadership models. The Sixth Level leverages the authors’ research on women’s social psychology, giving firsthand accounts of how women leaders can achieve more sustainable and profitable results for their teams and organizations. Grounded on powerful research, The Sixth Level enables readers to quickly identify and build upon a Sixth Level mindset that includes collaboration and empathy, to create groundbreaking high performance. I strongly recommend this book to anybody who aspires to be a world-class leader and develop others.”

    ANA DUTRA, speaker, author, CEO coach, business advisor, and board director

    “This book challenges our thinking and lays the groundwork for a new leadership level that can be applied not just to business, but to society at large. If we take note of the evidence around us and apply new ways of thinking, we will have better leaders and more sustainable and profitable organizations.”

    TOMAS CHAMORRO-PREMUZIC, Professor of Organizational Psychology at Columbia University and UCL

    “This vision of leadership is not an either-or choice between ‘male’ versus ‘female’ styles, but an invitation to incorporate the many neglected aspects of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral empathy that transform transactional hierarchies into generative communities. In calling for a ‘Sixth Level’ beyond self-actualization —‘self-in-relation’— this book points to the need for all of us, no matter what position we hold, to move into an awareness of interconnectedness so that individuals, businesses, communities, and even the planet can thrive.”

    BETTY S. FLOWERS, PHD, former director of the LBJ Presidential Library and coauthor of Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future

    The Authors

    Stacy Feiner
    Kathy K. Overbeke
    Rachel Wallis Andreasson
    Jack D. Harris
    Stacy Feiner

    High Performance Psychologist, Entrepreneur, Investor and Author

    Dr. Stacy Feiner is an accomplished psychologist, entrepreneur, investor, and mother. She champions the aspirations and ambitions of family-businesses with a pro-growth, pro-health approach that untangles conflict, strengthens emotional dynamics, and facilitates growth. Dr. Feiner founded her firm in 2018 to support the unique needs of private enterprise and ensure they thrive. Committed to optimal results, she collaborates with experts from various disciplines to execute unconventional solutions.

    Curious about people’s lives, Dr. Feiner lived in 8 US cities, traveled 9 countries, and lived in Japan. Trained as a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), Dr. Feiner worked in college counseling as a psychotherapist and in corporate settings as a performance coach: Vassar College, Merrill Lynch (licensed 7&63), Key Bank, and BDO USA. In 2015, Dr. Feiner published her first book, Talent Mindset. While in high school, she attended the Stone Center lectures at Wellesley College to study Self-in-Relation Theory with Dr. Jean Baker Miller.

    Kathy K. Overbeke

    Family Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, Researcher, Author

    Dr. Kathy K. Overbeke draws on her experience as an entrepreneur and practitioner-scholar to help individuals and businesses discover strengths to conceive new possibilities and reach desired outcomes.  She is a family business advisor and executive coach that works with Fortune 500, middle market, and small businesses.  When working with family businesses, Dr. Overbeke aims to keep the entrepreneurial fire alive while maintaining family harmony.  She is informed by empirical research when helping family businesses plan for the future and when helping to develop leaders.

    Dr. Overbeke has published original research in academic journals and has presented her research internationally.  She has also published in popular journals such as Psychology Today.  She was an entrepreneur for over 25 years before returning to school to earn her Doctorate in Management.  Subsequently, she founded GPS: Generation Planning Strategies, LLC, joined the Executive Coaching staff at Case Western Reserve University, and became an adjunct professor of leadership, marketing, and independent studies at various colleges.


    Rachel Wallis Andreasson

    Executive, Writer, Collaborator

    Rachel Wallis Andreasson believes the right people come into your life at the right time for a specific purpose. Rachel has a passion for supporting women and helping them build their network. She joined her family business during its first major acquisition and then built infrastructure, people and family governance systems for the next twenty-four years. She was the first woman to become President of the Missouri State Association for the convenience store industry and she was awarded the Leadership Award by her peers while earning her MBA at Washington University. After serving in various leadership positions in her family business, Rachel became the CEO, overseeing 1,100 team members. Today, she remains a shareholder and Board member of the family business and is the Executive Director of the Reform synagogue where she grew up and is a proud mother of three. Rachel serves on a bank board, is a mentor and was a founding member of a community foundation where she continues to oversee a learning center that serves 100 children in rural Missouri. Rachel is a self-starter on initiatives that bring value to an organization and thrives on moving people and organizations forward in a purposeful way.

    Jack D. Harris

    Professor of Sociology, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, Owner and Principal Consultant, Harris Consulting Associates, LLC.

    Jack Harris brings more than 45 years of successful experience in higher education, and management and consulting positions with government and business. Jack has served as a Professor of Sociology at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS) since 1974. Dr. Harris was twice President of the New York State Sociological Association. Dr. Harris directed the Men’s Studies Minor at HWS, the first-degree program in Men’s Studies in the United States. He teaches courses on Men and Masculinity, the Sociology of Business and Management, the Sociology of Community, and Senior Seminar Research Practicum. As a professional applied sociologist with specializations in gender, community development, and social organization, he consults nation-wide local governments about business process reengineering and project and change management. 

    Dr. Harris has published on Vietnamese masculinity and gender relations including co-authoring a book chapter in the Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Vietnam (2022) on “The Affairs of Men: Masculinity in Contemporary Vietnam,” the article “Extramarital Relationships, Masculinity, and Gender Relations in Vietnam,” Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Volume 31 (2009), and “Incorporating Men into Vietnamese Gender Studies,” Vietnam Social Sciences, (1998). He has presented at numerous national and international conferences on gender relations. In addition, on the business side, he is co-author of The Municipal Computer Systems Handbook. He has assisted in organizational analysis and design, leadership and management training and staff development, employee motivation, group dynamics and team building, conflict management and resolution, and the analysis of workplace culture.

    The Contributors

    Foreword by
    Ali Kindle Hogan
    Founder & Board Chair of
    Rung for Women

    Proceeds shared with
    Rung For Women

    Sam Allen
    Jodi Berg
    Neeti Dewan
    Megan Eddings
    Jennifer Fondrevay
    Kirby Gilmore
    Karen Grasso
    Sucheta Jain
    Meghan Juday
    Lisa Lochner
    Elaine Russell Reolfi
    Anne Richards
    Lorri Slesh
    Stephanie Stuckey
    Rachel Yvonne Talton
    Meredith Weil
    Sharon Weinstein
    Ali Kindle HOGAN

    Founder & Board Chair of Rung for Women

     (she/her/hers) Ali Hogan is the visionary behind Rung for Women, an organization that inspires all women to climb the economic opportunity ladder. Rung’s goal is to empower women to go beyond surviving to thriving, creating a more robust middle-class for women and their families. 

    The granddaughter of the late Enterprise Holdings founder Jack Taylor, Ali applies the same spirit of entrepreneurship he exemplified, as well as the same civic commitment. 

    After running the successful nonprofit resale store, Rung Boutique, for seven years, Ali was inspired by the women she met from organizations like Lydia’s House and St. Louis Internship Program to create space where women could get all of the resources they need in one place to achieve their vision for their career and for their life. 

    In 2017, Ali and her team closed the store to focus on the next chapter of their story. Now located in the Historic Fox Park neighborhood in St. Louis, Rung for Women welcomed its first cohort of members in March of 2021. 

    At the new iteration of Rung, members gain access to coaching, career services, financial education, childcare, mental health services, and health and wellness opportunities, along with a community of like-minded women who are determined to succeed. Rung has brought together several organizations in one location, in a collocated and coordinated model, including Family Care Health Center, Provident Behavioral Health, Urban Harvest STL, and The Collective STL. 

    Beyond her work for women, Ali is a long-time volunteer and Board Member for The Humane Society of St. Louis. She has assisted the organization in its development, animal rescue, public relations, and education efforts and is a member of the Friends Council. She also serves as a Board Member for the school attended by her two daughters, Kylie and Kenzie.

    Sam Allen

    Ph.D Student of Organizational Behavior, University of Pittsburgh

    Sam Allen is currently a Doctoral Student of Organizational Behavior at the University of Pittsburgh, where he studies how societal-level inequalities manifest within organizations. He is specifically interested in how organizational experiences differ along lines of social identity, and how the authenticity of organizational messaging about equity shapes individual experiences. 

    Growing up in Lewisburg, PA, Sam has long been interested in contributing to a society that affirms the equity of all and finds a way to achieve widespread prosperity to all groups of people. His interest in helping to address social inequalities led him to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at Hobart & William Smith Colleges, where he graduated summa cum laude while also minoring in Environmental Studies and Public Policy.

    Prior to pursuing a Ph.D, Sam spent time working in the Admissions Office at his alma mater Hobart & William Smith and was a team member of the Religion & Society program at the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit, The Aspen Institute. He plans to utilize the knowledge gained through his Ph.D experience to help organizations commit to equitable ideals and shape the next generation of thoughtful, responsible leaders.

    Jodi Berg

    International Speaker, Consultant and Author

    Dr. Berg was the first female president and CEO of her family’s 4th generation business. Wanting everyone to have the opportunity to live a purpose driven life and create a meaningful legacy, she completely transformed the organization and culture; igniting unprecedented organic growth and catapulting Vitamix into an iconic brand and world leader in blending and high performance cultures. 

    Dr. Berg used her travels to over 30 countries to create a holistic, culturally inclusive approach to leadership, earning her praise for releasing individual drive and fostering team and organizational cultures that are authentic, transformative and purpose driven. Identified as a national EY Entrepreneur of the Year was humbling but her favorite recognition was being named as Owler’s “Most liked CEO in Cleveland”.

    Her personal purpose of helping people discover their wings and fly transcends every role she has ever held, from mom to business executive, board member, consultant, speaker, and author.  Dr. Berg’s published research on the impact of personal purpose on employee engagement, commitment and life satisfaction served as the thesis for her doctorate in management from Case Western Reserve University.


    Neeti Dewan

    The Executive Yogi

     Neeti Dewan is a world-renowned global finance and tax leader focused on international business growth strategies, M&A and turnarounds. She has worked for over two decades inside some of the nation’s top corporations like KPMG, Ryan, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Arthur Anderson, and Aramark Corporation.  Ms. Dewan is a successful serial entrepreneur.   She is the co-founder of two technology companies, HeyDiva (AI chatbots) and HeyDoc (AI healthcare), and an active investor in other technology firms.

    Known as The Executive Yogi, she is the author of highly acclaimed business books, “From Executive to Yogi in Sixty Seconds” and “High Level Leadership, Low Level Stress”.  

    Ms. Dewan has served on the Harvard University Women’s Leadership Board; currently serves on the Villanova University Institute for Women’s Leadership Advisory Council and Board of Indo-American Chamber of Commerce.   She recently joined the Board of Directors of EV Hotel (https://evaihotels.com/). 

    Education: Neeti achieved a Master’s in Taxation from Villanova University and a BA in Economics from California State University-Northridge.  

    Awards:  She’s the recipient of numerous business awards and recognition for her leadership, including

    • “10 BEST WOMEN LEADERS OF 2020 and 2021”
    • National Diversity Council, “Most Influential Women in Business” in Georgia and Pennsylvania
    • Directors & Boards Magazine, “Directors to Watch”
    • “Most Successful Businesswoman to Watch 2021”


    Megan Eddings

    Entrepreneur, Creative Chemist, Keynote Speaker

    Megan Eddings’s says that entrepreneurship “found her” when she was met with a common household problem: stinky laundry. Tired of throwing away her husband’s workout clothes because they smelled, Megan became obsessed with creating a better solution. With her background in Chemistry and Biochemistry from The University of Virginia, Megan invented a sustainable, antibacterial and odor-resistant fabric, Prema®. 

    Since inventing Prema®, Megan realized that she loves creating fabrics that protect the wearer and the environment. She always focuses on creating textiles that are backed by science, but she also focuses on an entirely ethical supply chain = no sweatshops.

    Megan is a guest lecturer at the University of Houston, Rice University and the University of Virginia. Megan is also on The University of Virginia’s Houston Alumni Board. She even has a day, May 24th, named after her, by the Mayor of Houston, for her philanthropy work.

    Megan loves to relax with her husband, Kyle, and their rescue dog, Betty. She also loves to dance, laugh loudly and laugh often.

    Jennifer Fondrevay

    Day1 Ready™ Founder & Chief Humanity Officer, Internationally Recognized Speaker and Author

    Jennifer J Fondrevay is the Founder and Chief Humanity Officer of Day1 Ready™, a consultancy that advises and guides CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs and their executives through the “to-be-expected” people challenges of mergers, acquisitions and business transitions. 

    As a successful C-Suite executive who led teams through three separate multibillion-dollar acquisitions, Jennifer turned her experience into a best-selling satirical business book, “NOW WHAT? A Survivor’s Guide for Thriving Through Mergers & Acquisitions”. Her book draws not only on her experience but pulls from nearly three years of research and 60+ executive interviews, serving as both an M&A playbook for executives and handbook for frontline leaders

    Published in Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Inc., Forbes and Thrive Global, Jennifer is a frequent podcast guest and keynote speaker, focusing on the power of “Embracing Uncertainty.”

    Kirby Gilmore

    MBA ‘23

    Kirby Gilmore, a native of south Florida,  has always had an interest in entrepreneurship and business management. Prior to graduating highschool with her associates degree, she found herself creating multiple innovations, such as Site Staters (an online web-design service), Kickback with Kirbz (an educational and entertaining YouTube Channel), and  K.I.R.B.Y. Co. ( an inspirational apparel e-commerce company. Her most recent endeavors has been creating and running a nonprofit, Kirby’s Year round Project, Ins, that provides donations and services to underserved children in her local community. Now holding an MBA in Operations Management and Entrepreneurship, Kirby seeks to expand her professional experience in the ways of project management related pathways.

    Karen Grasso

    Professional Employee Benefit Consultant and Group Insurance Specialist

    Karen Grasso recently retired after a 24 year career with a large national consulting firm.  Karen was the Business Unit President for the St. Louis market of CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services. As BUP, Karen was responsible for new business planning and development, financial forecasting, and growth and professional development of her staff.  Karen served as an executive board chair of the CBIZ Women’s Advantage board for over 10 years. Her passion and contributions to the personal and professional growth of women both internally and externally have been recognized by many.  Karen was featured in an article in both Fortune and Entrepreneur magazines and continues to support the success and provide guidance to both women and men in leadership as she navigates her retirement.

    Sucheta Jain

    Life Coach; Co-Founder and Co-Owner, Farragut Systems, Inc.

    Sucheta Jain is an immigrant, entrepreneur, and business owner from New Delhi, India. 

    She holds a M.S. in Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology and a M.S. in Computer Science from Villanova University. In 1992 she co-founded Farragut Systems, Inc. and served as their Chief Operating Officer for over 20 years. Farragut was recognized by Indus Business Journal as one of the Largest Firms Owned or Managed by Indus Women. Sucheta received “The Impact 100” award from Business Leader Magazine and a Women in Business award from The Business Journal.

    Sucheta lives and works in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She provides personal and professional life coaching services to help clients build their inner trust and establish lives and careers they love. A lifelong learner and lover of people, she is deeply inspired by her family, spirituality, connections, and interactions with nature.

    Meghan Juday

    Chairman of the Board, IDEAL Industries, and Founder of The Lodis Forum

    As Chairman of the Board of IDEAL Industries, Meghan has dedicated her career to working with IDEAL and other family businesses to help them thrive and survive. In 2020, she founded The Lodis Forum, an international peer group of female Board Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and Lead directors to focus on governance excellence and peer exchange after recognizing the uniqueness of women serving senior board leadership roles. Meghan serves on IDEAL Industries and Kingsbury, Inc. boards, the Brightstar Capital Partners Advisory Council, and several not-for-profit boards.

    Lisa Lochner

    HealthCare Executive Leader

    Lisa Lochner is passionate about supporting and encouraging the team she works with to produce the best results for the people they serve.  She is very proud of the community she lives and raised her family.  She served on the local school board for nine years.  She was named women of the year for her community while earning her MBA at Webster University.  She served in various leadership positions, including establishing a foundation board and fundraising activities to invest back into building stronger community outreach services.  Lisa was the first women to become President for her Hospital in 60 years. Lisa is a driven individual who works to be a servant leader to the community she serves, continually on the quest to strategically grow and enhance the services to enlarge the footprint of healthcare services to the communities we serve.

    Elaine Russell Reolfi

    Behavioral Health CEO and Engagement Expert

    Elaine Russell Reolfi is CEO of CommQuest behavioral health, a 350-person nonprofit organization that delivers mental health, addiction recovery and social support services across Ohio. She came to the role after a long career in the industrial world dedicated to engaging people and moving them to action, whether that be customers, employees or external constituents. She most recently served as executive vice president of HR and corporate relations for a global steel company before deciding to dedicate her business experience to sustainability of the nonprofit infrastructure that keeps communities strong.

    As a first-generation American, Elaine grew up in her parents’ garment lettering store, learning the fundamental business lessons that have served her well as she went on to be in the first generation of her family to go to college, a successful executive in global companies, and a community leader who has worked to help others realize their potential. She earned degrees in journalism and business, is married to a college professor and is the proud mother of three.

    Anne Richards

    C-Suite Nonprofit Leader

    Anne Richards leads one of the largest nonprofit organizations in NE Ohio as the President and CEO of Goodwill of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio. The $43mm organization served over 18,400 people in its 28 different programs in 2023 including unemployed individuals, those with disabilities or with other barriers to employment as well as parents who have lost custody of their children and survivors of sexual assault.

    Lorri Slesh

    Executive Human Resources Leader

    As a strong and genuine communicator, Lorri drives strategic growth in complex organizations with energy and focus. Lorri attended The University of Michigan, where she earned a BA in education with a minor in psychology. After teaching and coaching at a private school, she attended Kent State University, where she earned a Master’s Degree in Athletic Administration. From there, Lorri has worked in various non-profit, for-profit, and start-up organizations creating transformational change. Lorri’s diverse set of experiences allows her to hone in on a challenging situation and solve the right problem with the best solution.

    Lorri is valued for keeping her finger on the pulse of an organization and building collaborative teams that ensure strategic alignment. She uses the power of language and common sense to lead, and, as a result, builds teams that are motivated to match her intensity.

    Stephanie Stuckey

    CEO, Stuckey’s Corporation

    Stephanie Stuckey is CEO of Stuckey’s, known for generations as a highway oasis serving up pecan log rolls and kitschy souvenirs. Founded in 1937 by her grandfather, W.S. Stuckey, Sr. in Eastman, Georgia, Stuckey’s grew into over 350 stores nationwide by its peak in the 1970’s. The company was sold in 1964 and sadly declined for decades under a series of corporate owners. Fortunately, Stuckey’s returned to the family in 1985 under the leadership of W.S. Bill Stuckey, JR. and is now being continued with Bill’s daughter, Stephanie.  

    The Company acquired a pecan shelling and candy plant in Wrens, GA in January of 2021 and have been scaling production of the Stuckey’s branded snacks and sweets – including the iconic pecan log roll – to be sold in almost 5,000 retail stores nationwide. Stuckey’s also operates a distribution center in Eastman, GA, a fundraising business, a corporate gift program, and has an online store.

     Stephanie received both her undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Georgia.  She worked as a trial lawyer, was elected to seven terms as a state representative, ran an environmental law firm, served as Director of Sustainability for Atlanta, and taught as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Georgia School of Law.  Stephanie purchased Stuckey’s in November of 2019 and assumed the role of CEO. Stephanie’s achievements include being named one of the Most Admired CEOs of 2022 by the Atlanta Business Chronicle, 100 Most Influential Georgians by Georgia Trend Magazine and a graduate of Leadership Atlanta. She serves on the corporate board for Bealls, a Florida-based retailer with more than 550 stores.

    The Stuckey’s story has been featured recently in the New York Times Sunday Business Section, the TODAY Show, and The Washington Post.

    When she’s not running Stuckey’s, Stephanie enjoys traveling by car to explore the back roads of America and pulling over at every boiled peanut stand and the World’s Largest Ball of Twine.

    Rachel Yvonne Talton

    Leadership trust and corporate inclusion expert

    Dr. Rachel is a distinguished founder, scholar, executive coach, author, and speaker who has gained international acclaim for her expertise in leadership trust; diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging; and corporate leadership and culture. Her coaching and training programs have empowered thousands of executives at some of the worlds most prestigious brands to cultivate trust, foster cohesion, and promote inclusive cultures.

    Dr. Rachel's “GodJob” is to equip leaders with the tools and resources they need to achieve success as they define it. Her debut book, Flourish: Have it All Without Losing Yourself, is a testament to this commitment, and she is currently working on her second book, which explores belonging in the workplace.

    Dr. Rachel holds leadership roles on several corporate and nonprofit boards of directors and is a founding member of the BOW Collective. She is also an Advisory Board member of the Women Business Collaborative and has been recognized with numerous national awards, including the 2022 Enterprising Women of the Year.

    An adjunct professor who has traveled to over 76 countries, Dr. Rachel values spending time with her beloved husband Jim, and her friends and family, community service, writing, art, and music.

    Meredith Weil

    Chief Operating Officer and Director, Third Federal Savings Association of Cleveland

    Meredith Weil has been at the forefront of regional banking leadership for two decades, currently as Chief Operating Officer of Third Federal, a $16 billion mutual savings and loan. She serves on the board of directors of both Third Federal and its holding company, TFS Financial Corporation. 

    At Third Federal, Meredith focuses on creating value for the organization’s customers, communities, associates and shareholders. During her tenure, Third Federal’s assets have grown by more than 40% through geographic expansion and product and delivery innovation.  An advocate for a vibrant and diverse workforce, Meredith sets an example and a standard.  She has fostered an exceptional culture with a focus on workplace/life balance and associate satisfaction, resulting in an organizational turnover rate less than half of the industry norm. In 2019, Great Places to Work® and Fortune named Third Federal one of Best Workplaces™ for Women to work.

    A dedicated Clevelander, Meredith is an active trustee of both the renowned Cleveland Orchestra and Hawken School. Meredith is a proud mother of two and as an empty nester spends her free time exploring and experiencing the great outdoors with her husband/partner in life.

    Sharon Weinstein


    Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), Award winning author, Certified Business Coach, CEO and Healthcare Strategy Consultant, “The Stressbuster”

    Sharon M. Weinstein is a Global Thought Leader, Healthcare Influencer and Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) who brings three decades of senior executive experience to the table. Today, she is a Business Acceleration and Work / Life Integration Coach, leading a top consulting organization, an award-winning author of 22 books and over 160 peer-reviewed manuscripts, and a TEDx Montreal Women presenter. She gives emerging leaders and career professionals the confidence to speak up, remain calm under pressure, communicate effectively, and negotiate wisely. Sharon’s work has taken her across the country and around the globe, resulting in inclusive cultures of collaboration within the public, private, and government sectors. Known as the “Stressbuster,” she guides professionals to manage stress and crises in their personal and professional lives. She facilitates awareness of emotional and physical burnout. Sharon understands human behavior, and she empowers professionals to rethink the use of time and talent. Known for elevating individual and corporate connections, conversations, and cultures, she is a master at seeing challenges, creating opportunities, and providing solutions through WOWTcomes™.

    She rode a camel in Cairo, was a delegate to the Women's Conference in Beijing, designed the foreign patient department at the Kremlin Hospital in Moscow (yes, that Kremlin), and played with the penguins at Phillip Island Nature Park, Australia.

    Praise for the Book

    “This is the future of leadership! Incredibly researched and grounded in the real stories of successful women across industries, The Sixth Level offers a new leadership model for modern business. The authors create the ultimate guide for all leaders to use these critical strengths and groundbreaking management techniques to elevate their leadership. Take your career to the next level and unlock your potential with The Sixth Level.”

    DR. MARSHALL GOLDSMITH, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

    “This amazing book is full of heart and grounded in mindfulness. The Sixth Level is distinctive—it provides an honest critique of why we must move toward healthier relationships and more sustainable organizational culture. Along with new concepts and provocative questions, readers can consider for themselves how practicing the four core differentiators (mutuality, ingenuity, justness, and intrinsic motivation) will elevate their own leadership and the experience of their teams. The collection of narratives is compelling and shows us how to lead successfully at The Sixth Level.”

    CLAUDE SILVER, Chief Heart Officer, VaynerX, VaynerMedia

    “At last—an intelligent and well-thought-out book on women’s psychology that would benefit both male and female leaders alike. The authors draw from their personal inspirations and research to highlight unique and valuable aspects of women’s leadership. Unlike many other books in this genre, this is not a rant, but a symphony of ideas that remind us why women are a vital part of the workforce, and how under-leveraged their personal capacities often are in a world previously defined by men. This is a must-read for anyone reflecting on leading in the 21st century.”

    SRINI PILLAY, M.D., Harvard-trained psychiatrist and brain researcher, faculty of Duke CE, McKinsey Think Tank member, Chief Medical Officer and cofounder of Reulay, and CEO of NeuroBusiness Group

    “This book pushes the limit on developing today’s leaders. Full of innovation, optimism, and viable solutions for today’s business problems, The Sixth Level explains the shortsightedness of the dominant leadership paradigm that forces winners and losers, and provides an elevated leadership paradigm with new science and the ethic of care. The Sixth Level offers four guiding principles and a treasure trove of real-life examples that can be immediately applied for better outcomes. Internalize the message of The Sixth Level and then act on it through everyday practice. You will find as you operate at The Sixth Level that these practices will strengthen you personally and allow the people you lead to deliver at the highest level.”

    RON STRIEKER, PHD, principal, TheStriekerGroup

    The Sixth Level is as profound as it is practical. In these pages, you will find an evolved model of leadership designed for a complex and unpredictable future. We’ve spent decades thinking and writing about leadership without the practice ever considering women’s perspective on the subject. Sixth Level leadership recognizes the powerful psychological qualities developed in women, and incorporates them into four core differentiators that expand the leadership capabilities of leaders, both women and men. Gratitude sets the foundation and Sixth Level leadership moves us forward.”

    CHRIS SCHEMBRA, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Gratitude Through Hard Times and USA Today’s “Gratitude Guru”

    “To thrive in the future, leaders of organizations must take the initiative to operate at The Sixth Level to create intrinsically rewarding communities for work. The authors explain why The Sixth Level has been unrecognized throughout history and provide a guide for using this new model to build sustainable and profitable businesses. Read this book to learn the innovative practices from women leaders and entrepreneurs whose approaches were once overlooked but now are key.”

    RISHAD TOBACCOWALA, advisor, speaker, educator, and author of Restoring the Soul of Business: Staying Human in the Age of Data

    “In the 1930s, my mother earned a bachelor’s degree, then a master’s, and founded Third Federal with my father. She didn’t stop there. Her drive in a male-dominated industry shaped Third Federal and blazed the trail for those who came after her. Her values and compassion live on in how we conduct business to this day and highlight the importance of having women in leadership roles. Who knew that this was called Sixth Level Leadership!”

    MARC A. STEFANSKI, chairman and CEO of Third Federal, and author of People First: The Third Federal Way

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